The Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) serves to protect students’ fees in the event a private education institution is unable to continue operating due to insolvency, and/or regulatory closure. The Fee Protection Scheme also protects students if the private education institution fails to pay penalties or return fees to the students arising from judgement made against it by the Singapore courts.
EduTrust-certified private education institutions are required to adopt the Fee Protection Scheme to provide full protection to all fees paid by their students. All fees refer to all monies paid by the students to be enrolled in a private education institution, excluding the course application fee, agent commission fee (if applicable), miscellaneous fees (non-compulsory and non-standard fee paid only when necessary or where applicable, for example, the re-exam fee or charges for credit card payment etc,) and GST.
Kimage has appointed Liberty Insurance Pte Ltd to be the FPS providers for our students. The insurance coverage will be for the entire course fee and any course fees arising from an extension of the study period longer than the initially planned study period (if applicable).
Liberty Insurance Pte Ltd will issue a Certificate of Insurance to the insured student directly via email.
A copy of Kimage Certificate of FPS Insurance Policy is available
The insured student needs to produce his/her Certificate of Insurance and original course fees receipts when submitting a claim under the insurance. Liberty Insurance Pte Ltd will notify all insured students of the relevant claim procedures to be followed.
For more information on the Private Education Act, please log on to the following website: Information for Private Education Institutions (PEIs) (
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Registered Company Name: Kimage Hairdressing School
SSG Registration Number: 199607046R
ERF Validity Period: 28 July 2023 - 27 July 2027
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